
The greatest happiness in life is the conviction that we are loved -- loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves. I bring you my thoughts on life, songs from my guitar, and a personal experiences to hopefully inspire and encourage. These ramblings come from my own encounters with a God so faithful to me by showing me everyday the best way to His grace.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

All That Remains- 1st audio post

The slow song is a worship song, my friend Jaclyn just wrote, these are the words- awesome song!

When you speak, I am listening
When you move, I'll respond to you
When you ask, I'll surrender all of my life

Holy Spirit, fan into this flame
I want to live with your spirit in me
Burn away all of the dross
Till all that remains is you

I say more of you and less of me
Copyright Jaclyn Moolman 2005

The next audio blog the upbeat one is a new song I am working on called Superman. Here are the words:

Will you be my superman, will you take me by the hand
You don't have to jump tall buildings to impress me
You don't have to wear underwear on the top of your clothes to impress me
You just gotta take me to the place where your mercy and grace
overflows with a thousand souls praising you
where every knee will bow every tongue confess that your holiness
is worth the rest of my life given to you

Will you be my superman, will you take me by the hand

You don't have to catch speeding bullets in your teeth to impress me
You don't have to fly in the sky like a bird or plane to impress me
You just gotta take me to the heights where your glory and praise
is filling my life it's all around me, it's overflowing.
Copyright Jacque Reynolds 2005

This should help you understand the words!


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